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shopping – FemSide Your Feminine Side Fri, 08 May 2020 06:28:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Saving Time While at the Hair Salon Sun, 13 Dec 2015 06:11:51 +0000 Read More →]]>

You most probably think of every visit to the hairdresser’s as time-consuming and, in the worst-case scenario, as a waste of time. Yet the hours spent at the hair salon can be proven extremely valuable in helping you relax, detox, reboot and reorganize yourself.

There are many more things to do there, besides charging your batteries and devices, drinking a cup of green tea and watching your hair become their best. Bring with you items that can educate, entertain and beautify you. Plan your visit ahead and set up a list of to-dos during your session. With proper portable equipment, make this busy public space be homey and convenient for you!

Hair Stylist ReadingBooks, Audiobooks & Magazines

In between hairwash, haircut and blowdry, do some useful reading. There are things you would wish to read, and the hour you spend confined into a chair under a steam machine having your strands covered with dye and foils seems to be the perfect moment for study.

Carry with you your favourite books or magazines, a player full of interesting audiobooks and noise-cancelling headphones for you to focus even more. Audiobooks are a hands-free choice in case you are combining your hair treatment with a manicure session!

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How You Need to Act Post-Breakup Fri, 30 May 2014 04:04:19 +0000 Read More →]]>

A breakup is not the end of the world, but it can certainly seem it. This is especially the case if you’ve been together for years, and you still weren’t ready for the relationship to come to an end. There are a few things that you need to do post-breakup. Here are six things to get you started.

Hang Out With Your Girlfriends

Your girlfriends are there for a reason. They’ve been through it, and you’ve helped them. Now it’s their time to help you. Call them over or go over to them, get out the ice cream and trash talk your ex.

Let all your feelings out, whether you’re upset, angry or spiteful towards him. A range of emotions are normal right now, and your friends will let you get them all out so you can move on.

Get Rid of Things That Remind You of Him

There will be items around your home that remind you of him. It could be certain music, a book on your shelf or photos of the two of you together. Get rid of everything that reminds you of him, and put them away for now.

If you’re brave enough at the moment, bin it all. Of course, there are going to be certain things that you can’t bin because there are not just memories of him.

Remain Positive on Your Facebook Statuses

Do you really want to keep letting people know how much you miss your ex?

It’s going to get back to him, and guess how he’s going to feel. Smug! It’s time to focus on the positive. Keep your statuses upbeat, and share a few great breakup quotes that you find. Tell people what you’re doing with your free time, such as taking up a new hobby.

Don’t Swear Off Men

It’s not practical! Every woman does it, and nobody takes them seriously. While you want to take some time out, you need to let your heart be open for Mr. Right to come your way.

Just look at Kaley Cuoco and how she jumped straight into a relationship after breaking up with Henry Cavill. Six months later she was married and extremely happy. It can happen to you too.

Share a Hot Selfie

It’s time to use a selfie to your advantage. Take a photo and post it on your Instagram or Facebook.

It will pop up in his feed, and he’ll soon realise just what he’s missing out on. Make sure you’re smiling, having fun and look your best. His friends will be the ones laughing at him for giving you up.

Get Shopping for a New Wardrobe

You’ve got tons of spare time now, so it’s time to use it wisely. Get out shopping and buy a whole new wardrobe. You’re not the same girl anymore.

You’re single, happy and ready for Mr. Right. If you’re not bothered about a new wardrobe, how about taking a trip to the hair salon to get a new do?

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Are You Making These Spending Rationalising Mistakes? Wed, 28 May 2014 05:34:21 +0000 Read More →]]>

Do you rationalise every purchase you make? Sometimes these spending rationalisations are genuine. Your boots may have split on the sole, so you need new ones. Your jacket may be 20 years old and finally falling apart, so you need to get a new one for next winter. However, there are certain rationalisations that aren’t genuine at all. Are you making these spending rationalising mistakes?

You Can Get It Reimbursed Through Work

You need something that will help you out with your work, so you decide to buy it. It’s not going to come out of your pocket after all, right?

Well, before you buy something the next time really think about the receipts from your last purchases. Did you get them reimbursed or have you ended up paying for it out of your own funds?

You Already Spent X Amount So What’s Another Y Amount?

You’ve spent thousands of dollars on a cruise you’ve been saving up for, so what’s another $100 on a new outfit and lunch? You’ve spent hundreds of dollars on a new laptop for work, so what’s another hundred or so on a new carry case, webcam and all the extras?

It’s really easy to start thinking of smaller amounts not being that much, but they soon add up and you end up over budget?

You Already Saved Money Being at the House of Mum and Dad

You’ve spent the last couple of days at your parent’s house. That means you saved money on food, bills and even hotel costs if you were away.

That gives you every reason to spend the money you saved on something else that you probably don’t even need. Why not put that money into a savings account instead? Let it benefit you in the long run on something you really need.

You Need to Treat Yourself for Something

You’ve got a promotion or you’ve finally moved into your new home. That means treating yourself to something, right?

The problem is many people feel it justifies treating them to a lot of little things, along with the meal that their family members or spouses want to plan for them. Think about upcoming plans, and avoid wasting money on the smaller, unnecessary purchases.

You Need the Massage to Remove the Stress

A deal for a massage or spa day has come up. You know how stressed you’ve been and feel that it now justifies spending money that you probably don’t have.

This type of purchase is fine once in a blue moon, but right now you’re using it as an excuse every single week. Take a step back before you make that purchase and think about the reason for your stress to put a stop to that!

It’s the Last In Your Size

Whether it’s a new dress, new shoes or even a pretty top, you use the excuse that it’s the last in your size to buy it.

If you didn’t see it, would you really have missed it? Probably not. It’s time to let go of that excuse!

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Why You Need to Spend Money on You Wed, 16 Apr 2014 06:58:46 +0000 Read More →]]>

You’ve just seen a gorgeous pair of shoes, but they’re just not something you need right now. It can feel awful, especially if you don’t often spend money on yourself. The truth is you need to spend money on you now and then. It’s worth treating yourself to something special, even if it is just once a month. Here are some of the reasons why you should say yes to those treats.

You’re Just as Important as Everyone Else

You will find that you spend more money on everyone else around you. You’ll find a cute dress for your daughter, or a great toy for your son.

You could find a pair of earrings your sister is dying to get, or that little treat for your husband. In all of that, you’re forgotten about. But you are just as important and you deserve the treats now and then; just like they do.

Stop Feeling So Down

Telling yourself no time and time again is just depressing.

You start to feel like nothing is worth it, and your stress at work just isn’t really worth your time. When you treat yourself to something from your own money, you feel proud that you have achieved this. You also make yourself feel better. This doesn’t mean you can go on a splurge all the time, but a bit of shopping won’t hurt.

You Help Your Confidence

Shopping is a great way to give your own confidence levels a boost. Money problems can really weigh you down, especially if it means you’re wearing the same clothes time and time again.

When you buy something new, you want to show it off. You feel great about having that thing that is shiny and bright in your wardrobe and jewellery case, and it can really give your confidence a boost because you get to show them off.

It’s a Reward

You work hard, and you deserve to be rewarded for that. It doesn’t have to be just about going to work either. You may spend hours looking after your children or have succeeded in a weight loss goal.

There is nothing better than rewarding yourself for doing all that. You can even set up mini rewards regularly, so you get the motivational boost you need to keep going with your journey.

You Have the Chance to Be Proud of Yourself

Being in last season’s clothes can often feel like you don’t take pride in your appearance.

You need to treat yourself now and then so you can show that you do care. This will help you in many other walks of life, including with the confidence boost.

You’re Not Wasting It!

It can feel like you’re wasting your money when you spend it on yourself. That is not the case. You’re earning money for things like this. It doesn’t have to be on a new wardrobe.

You can treat yourself to a day out, a trip to the spa or even that holiday that you’ve been dreaming about.

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Be in Shape in Time for the Summer Wed, 09 Apr 2014 08:47:01 +0000 Read More →]]>

Spring is here and the summer is just around the corner. You’ve probably got a lot of things planned for this time of year, and now is the time to focus on getting in shape. But where do you start? You’ve not got long, so you need to act quick. Here are some tips to help you get in shape in time for the summer.

Plan for the Future

Set your summer goal and create a plan to get there. Will you focus only on diet? Will you include a little more exercise into your day? If you don’t plan ahead, how do you expect to succeed?

You can’t just stop with the planning though. Once you have a plan there, you need to put it into action.

Give Yourself the Motivation

You need to find some way of giving yourself the motivation to lose weight. You could buy the swimwear or a new dress to fit into ready for the summer. Another option is to stick a photo of the body you would like to have.

This photo could be a cut out from a magazine or an old photograph of yourself.

Give Your Cupboards a Clearout

It’s time to get rid of all those things in the back of your cupboards. You’ll be surprised at how old some of the cans are. You may even find cans that went out of date in the 80s if you lived there that long!

Giving your cupboards a clearout will create space for the healthy food that you’re going to go shopping for. You will also be able to get rid of the chocolate, crisps and other items that are hiding, so you don’t reach for them in moments of weakness.

Plan Out Your Shopping List

Before you go shopping for food, plan out your list.

You need to write down every single thing that you need to buy, so you don’t forget anything. Leave off anything that isn’t a necessity right now. You don’t need the crisps or the chocolate cake that you’re so used to having. These are not going to help you get that summer figure.

Only Buy On the List

Only buy items that are on your list. Just because an item is on sale, does not mean that it deserves to be added mid shopping trip. If you struggle to stick to a list when walking around the store, do your shopping online.

You can just type the item into the search bar and it will limit the extra treat items that you spot.

Get More Exercise In

It’s time to focus on exercise. This will help you tone muscle, lose inches quicker and boost your metabolism.

All the crunches in the world are not going to help. You need to do a variety of exercises, including cardio, flexibility and strength training. Create an exercise plan and routine, and then stick to it to see the results you want.

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5 Spring Outfits Under £100 Sun, 06 Apr 2014 09:39:16 +0000 Read More →]]>

We all love a bargain and with a less than thriving economy and a rapidly tightening belt, many of us are finding a bargain more essential. Now that Spring is here, our muted Winter wardrobes have to be packed away in preparation for the new season trends, but how on earth can you afford them all, or even a couple, when you are on a tight budget?

Well I’m here to say that you can be on trend on a budget, it just takes a little bit of research. By doing a little bit of shopping around, you can get some amazing in style outfits for under £100, including shoes and accessories. Swap impulse buying for savvy shopping…


It is the ultimate in evergreen fashion, the monochrome trend resurfaces every season, still managing to look fresh and contemporary. Black and white worn together is the ultimate in effortless chic, always looking stylish and classic. It is a look that you can adapt for the Winter season by adding some extra layering and a statement overcoat. Worth an investment, don’t you think?

Monochrome: 1) White Polka Dot Print Polo Shirt, River Island; 2) Biker Skirt, H&M; 3) Cotton Nylon Blend V-Neck Jumper, Matalan; 4) Black Monochrome Strappy Wedges, New Look; 5) Nail Paints, Barry M; 6) Mini Satchel, Primark.

Total: £79.76

Tartan and Checks

Tartan was a popular print over the Winter months, but I’m happy to say that it has plenty of longevity and is still set to be popular throughout the Spring/Summer 2014 season. Gingham and all things checked are also set to be popular, so go ahead and invest in some wearable and versatile pieces. Don’t be afraid to mix both tartans and checks in the same outfit, just make sure you keep the accessories simple.

Tartan and Checks: 1) Cream Check Duster Jacket, River Island; 2) Tartan Pencil Dress, Play,com; 3) Asymmetric Pointed Court Shoes, New Look; 4) Metallic Raffia Clutch, George @ Asda; 5) 10-Pack Rings, H&M.

Total: £99.96


Pastels shades are definitely the colour palette of the season, with sugared almond tones being heavily represented on the catwalk and on the high street. As the colours don’t pop as much as saturated colours, make a bold statement by mixing several pastel shades together in a variety of different textures.

Pastels: 1) F&F Textured Boxy Shell Top, Tesco; 2) Pale Blue PU Skater Skirt, Glamorous; 3) PU Biker Jacket, Matalan; 4) Shoulder Bag, H&M; 5) Ballerinas, H&M; 6) Maybelline Color Show Nail Polishes, Superdrug.

Total: £99.96


Nothing says spring and summer like some fresh, stunning floral prints. Be bang on trend with a matching co-ordinate set and by mixing different floral prints together. You may think that might be a little loud, but that just means that your fashion statement will be heard. Keep your accessories simple and ladylike, to avoid a look that is too busy and over-the-top.

Florals: 1) Blue Floral Print Bralette Top, New Look; 2) Blue Floral Print Pencil Skirt, New Look; 3) Coral Jacquard Kimono, River Island; 4) Small Vintage Floral Handbag, Seasons Online; 5) Pheobe Nude Patent, Garage Shoes; 6) New Look 50’s Diamante Flower Stud Earrings, ASOS.

Total: £97.95

Sports Luxe

Luxe sportswear was a key trend of the summer season last year and it has resurfaced once again to be a hot trend for 2014. It can be a hard trend to master, so think of sporty materials such as neoprene and mesh panelling, or sportswear basics re-worked with luxe materials, like leather running shorts or sequin joggers. Neon accessories will mimic the reflective panelling of outdorr exercise gear, but with style. You definitely wont want to be exercising in these beauties.

Sports Luxe: 1) Top with Burnout Pattern, H&M; 2) Jane Norman Black Tailored PU Joggers, House of Fraser; 3) Sarah Metallic PU Sleeve Bomber, Boohoo; 4) Neon Colour Block Tote, Primark; 5) Stylish Neon Peep Toe Shoes, Milanoo.

Total: £98.89

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5 Of The Best Jumpsuits Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:24:04 +0000 Read More →]]>

The sun is finally starting to shine and you can’t help a feeling in a better, more summery mood. So you root around in the back of your wardrobe for your favourite floaty Summer dress and head out the door. The only problem is, that it is not quite warm enough yet and you spend the day shivering, huddled round a giant cup of coffee.

But fear not ladies, the jumpsuit is a great trans-seasonal piece that is bang on trend and will keep the chill away until the temperature heats up. So head down to the shops and pick yourself up a jumpsuit or too, you will be surprised at how versatile they are.

Smart Tailoring

Who said the jumpsuit couldn’t be sharply tailored? This season Tuxedo-inspired tailoring has had an influence on all aspects of fashion, including the jumpsuit. The tailored jumpsuit is will be super chic on a night out and office even office appropriate when worn with some simple flat shoes an and a shirt underneath.

Smart Tailoring: 1) Kardashian Tuxedo Jumpsuit, Lipsy; 2) Flat Clutch bag With Metal Front Pocket, ASOS; 3) Sunny Sling Back Platform Shoes, Topshop; 4) Skinny Full Metal Waist Belt, ASOS; 5) Limited Silver Mesh Chunky Chain, New Look; 6) Pink Gem Stone Statement Double Finger Ring, River Island.


The boilersuit isn’t only for mechanics and janitors, it can be one of the most stylish members of your wardrobe hen worn in the right way. Wear with some strappy flats and a belt to draw in the waist and create shape. For a 1940’s factory girl look, add a head scarf or bow and of course, a pillar box red lip.

Boilersuit: 1) Casual Boilersuit, Topshop; 2) Junior Pointed Flat Shoes, ASOS; 3) Lipdy Snake Panel Tote Bag, USC; 4) Vintage Leather Jeans Belt, Warehouse; 5) Red Bow Alice Band, New Look; 6) Lip Paint in Pillar Box Red, Barry M.


When choosing a printed jumpsuit, make sure the print is not to over-the-top as you are wearing it from head-to-toe. Team with simple accessories and a pair of platform shoes to avoid the leg-shortening effect, printed jumpsuits can create.

Printed: 1) Lilah Full Length Jumpsuit in Morris Flower, Motel; 2) Jeffrey Campbell Brazen Platform, Nasty Gal; 3) Fiorelli Mai Tote Bag, USC; 4) Black Magic and  Mixed Up Nail Polishes, Models Own; 5) Black Fluro Gem Stone Stretch Bracelet, River Island.


Take it back to the fifties with a stunning collared jumpsuit, with a tropical print. There is no other way to wear it than in typical Old Hollywood glamour style – think oversized cats eye sunnies, floppy wide-brimmed hat and towering wedges. Keep the look up-to-date with some contemporary accessories and a vibrant nail polish.

Retro: 1) Lux Palm Jumpsuit, Topshop; 2) AJ Morgan Round Sunglasses, ASOS; 3) Gold Snake Wedge, River Island; 4) Floppy Hat in Wool, H&M; 5) Faceted Jewel Collar Necklace, ASOS; 6) Nail Paint in Tangerine, Barry M.


For something a little more casual and everyday, choose a strappy jumpsuit, that can be thrown on for a day out shopping, lazy Sunday lunch or even a trip to the beach. Team with a pair of stand-out gladiator sandals and some stacked bangles for a touch of Boho chic, Wear a contrasting bikini top underneath for an extra punch of colour.

Strappy: 1) Pink Strappy Jumpsuit, Miss Selfridge; 2) Report Signature Lastro Gladiator Flat Sandals, ASOS; 3) Leather Shoulder Bag, H&M; 4) Wide Metal Sections Stretch Waist Belt, Warehouse; 5) Black Fluro Mixed Bracelet Pack, River Island; 6) Blue Twist Bandeau Bikini Top, New Look.

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6 Things to Do When Home Bored Sun, 16 Mar 2014 07:03:32 +0000 Read More →]]> If you’re sitting at home with nothing to do, you may consider putting the TV on. But that is just going to waste time that could be productively spent in other ways. Here are some great ways to spend your extra time when you’re home alone and bored.

Clean the House

It may seem annoying and boring, but you can gain a number of benefits from this. First of all, it keeps you busy and you’ll suddenly realise that the time has flow by. Second of all, it keeps you active and it really does burn calories. Pull the vacuum cleaner up the stairs or get the mop and bucket out and help yourself lose weight.

Watch the Documentaries

If you’re going to watch TV, make it something educational and interesting. Put the documentary channel on or one of the historical programs.

You will learn something you never knew and it could give you an interest to research further and learn more. You may even find a subject that you want to study in to gain a degree.

Do the DIY Work

You may have DIY work that has been left over. This is the perfect time to get it done. Focus on things that you can do alone right now, and then move onto the trickier stuff when others are in the house with you.

If you have no DIY work that you have been doing, think about the things that need fixing and start working on them.

Do Some Exercise

Get outside and do some exercise. You don’t have to spend money to get fit and lose weight. You could go for a walk or run in your area or take basketball and shoot some hoops.

There may even be others in the area who welcome you to join them. Exercise will not only give you something to do, but will boost the chemicals in the brain making you feel happier.

Take Up a Hobby

If you regularly find yourself sitting at home getting bored, it is time to take up a hobby. There are plenty of things that you could do, and not all have to cost a lot of money.

You may like collecting stamps, want to write a novel or even find exercising your new thing to do. Some people find hobbies that they will later turn into a money making option, like making jewellery or designs for their children’s room.

Enjoy a “Me” Day

Spend a day treating and spoiling yourself. This is best as a once every now and then activity because it can get expensive. You could take a trip to the local spa, have a day at the beauty parlour or even take yourself shopping for new clothes and shoes.

Do something that you really enjoy doing, but make sure you save up for it. The last thing you want is for your pastime to put you in debt and then you’re stressing about your finances.

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Why Second-Hand Clothing Is a Must in Your Wardrobe Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:42:15 +0000 Read More →]]>

When you hear second-hand clothing, do you find yourself turning your nose up at it? There’s a common misconception that second-hand clothing is old, tired and just ghastly. However, there are many benefits to having second-hand clothing in your wardrobe. Here are some of the reasons to be thankful the next time you’re given a hand-me-down or go shopping at the charity shops.

They’re Cheap to Buy

Second-hand clothing is extremely cheap to buy. In fact, it can be free depending on where you get it from. Being worn before doesn’t mean that it doesn’t look good. They’re items that people want to get rid of because they won’t wear again for whatever reason. In some cases, the items are worn once and just sit in the wardrobe collecting dust.

Easy for DIY Projects

The clothes that are slightly old and worn can work out great for DIY projects or work clothes. If you’re an artist, you’ll look for clothes that you don’t mind getting paint all over.

When you work on cars, you’ll want something that can get oily and greasy. The second-hand clothes are great for avoiding damaging your own items.

Renew Your Wardrobe

You’ll soon find a new lease of life with new clothes. The second-hand items give you new ideas for how to wear something, or will give you a new style that you’ve never tried before.

No One With the Same Outfit

Just think about it. When you buy from the store, you’ll find others buying the same items.

You could turn up to a party wearing exactly the same dress, top or whole outfit! When you go wearing something second-hand, it is very unlikely someone else will have the same outfit. The only risk is if they bought the item last season and still enjoy wearing it, but the chances of that happening are low.

Better for Redesigning

Do you love making your clothes or redesigning your current wardrobe? There is always the risk that you’ll damage something, especially when starting out. It doesn’t matter too much when it’s a second-hand item. You didn’t pay as much for it, and it may even be something someone gave you that you really don’t like. You’re more likely to take risks that could really pull off.

Get the Vintage Look

It’s a quick and easy way to get the vintage look. There are now plenty of people spending a fortune on modern day vintage styles. However, you could pull something out of your parents’ wardrobe and recreate it yourself.

Just think about the heads you’ll turn when you’re wearing that authentic 70s top at the 70s themed night, while everyone else has their make-do modern day twists.

You’re More Ecological Friendly

There is a major emphasis on going “green.” The governments around the world want people to stop wasting energy and to be more environmentally friendly.

This is what happens when you opt for second-hand clothing. They don’t need to be made again, so the factories aren’t creating as much pollution.

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Renew Your Wardrobe Without Spending a Fortune Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:25:39 +0000 Read More →]]> Wouldn’t you love to buy new clothes? You’re looking at your wardrobe and feel fed up of wearing the same thing every day. The problem is a lack of budget for new clothes. Well, the good news is you don’t need to spend an absolutely fortune on your clothes. Here are some great ways to save money to renew your wardrobe.

Hold a Swishing Party

Swishing parties are becoming more and more popular. The idea is to bring your clothes to the party that you don’t want to wear and swap them with your friends. Some of these parties will involve a small fee for each new item and that money then goes to charity. It all depends on the type of party that you all want to host together. Make sure the clothes are in a good state; something that you would wear in public.

Try eBay

eBay is full of clothes to buy at a low price. There are some risks, including not knowing just what the quality of the clothes will be, but you can do your research into each seller.

If you’re not too sure about something, ask questions and find out more before you put a bid on something. The good thing is you could find a whole new wardrobe for less than $20! You can even sell your own clothes to raise some money for new ones.

Use Coupon Codes

Look out for coupon codes and consider using them. Be careful with them. You really only want to use them when you know you will save money.

The last thing you want is to waste an extra $10 just to save that money! Look out for all different coupon codes for the places that you’re likely to shop and see if you can take advantage of them.

Build Up Vouchers

There are a lot of places online now to be able to build up points for vouchers. They can take time to build up the points, but you will find that they are worth it if you want clothes in a few months. You could get involved in taking surveys, build up points by searching online with Swagbucks or even doing a Shop and Scan panel.

Charity Shops and Thrift Stores

Get thrifty with your money and start looking for second-hand clothes. There is nothing wrong with doing this; most people won’t even know where you got the clothes from unless you tell them!

There are many people who get rid of designer goods by giving to charity, and then they are sold for a very low price.

Update Your Pieces

Who said you need a new wardrobe? You could take your old clothes and update them. Add jewels, cut them into different shapes and even mix two pieces together to make as one.

Dyeing items is also an option to give your clothes a new lease on life. You will soon have people asking you wear you got that new outfit from.

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