When even a raise, promotion and corner office cannot compete with the sweet possibility of working from home in your favorite fluffy slippers, you’ve got the telecommuting bug – and honey, you’ve got it bad! But don’t tear up your time card before considering these make or break factors aboutRead More →

While some diseases are clearly visible to people, others such as depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue disorder, (CDF) thyroid disease, and Chron’s disease are not immediately apparent. Living with any of these disorders is a challenge, but one of the biggest challenges is dealing with people who don’t understand how theRead More →

In the past, you had to fight crowds and navigate through traffic to find the perfect fashion items to add to your collection, but now staying trendy couldn’t be any easier. Online stores make highly popular fashion items accessible to all women and often for a discounted price. There isRead More →

The summer has flown by and now that the kiddos are back in school, you’ll finally have some quiet time to yourself. But you know the second they come running off the bus after school, they are going to toss their backpacks on the foyer floor, flip their shoes offRead More →

Mistakes are common, after all you are human. However, there is a difference between owning up to your work mistakes and avoiding accountability. The way that you handle inevitable work mishaps will say a lot about what type of employee you are and your boss or supervisor will notice this.Read More →

A woman that has a lot going on in her life may want to take it easy and relieve some tension. A full body massage might be considered by some women to be too expensive, but the fact is that the cost is justified because of what it can doRead More →