Many new moms are naturally nervous. It is normal to worry about every sneeze and hiccup after all it is your first time at the rodeo. Unfortunately your baby feeds off of your energy. When babies become stressed they cry sometimes uncontrollably which of course makes mom more nervous andRead More →

Recently a conversation had with someone much younger eluded to the fact that 40 is the new 25! Why does 40 have to be compared to 25? Was 25 a magical age for everyone? Why can’t 40 just be fabulous! Whether you are 40, 50, 60 or beyond you canRead More →

While everyone has to deal with anxiety once in a while, there is nothing worse than having that feeling bubble up inside you every morning before work. You may even be at the point where you’re thinking about changing careers or quitting because your job is the cause of soRead More →

Everyone makes excuses for the things that happen. At times they are legitimate reasons but in the end they are just excuses. You need to take accountability for something happening, going wrong or not working out quite how you planned. If you’re struggling to stop making excuses, here are someRead More →

Don’t you wish that parenting was the easiest thing in the world? While that isn’t going to happen, it doesn’t need to be as difficult as many make it. There are some simple tools and easy ways to cut the stress and enjoy this time with your children. Here areRead More →

Depression affects more people than they’re willing to let on. Some don’t even get a diagnosis because it is still a taboo subject. If you do see a doctor, you may find pills and other medication thrown at you instead of actually helping you with the mental illness. You canRead More →

Once, being employed meant that you had a lot of protection. However, as the economy declined, businesses started losing money. Some were forced to close, which is when redundancy is impossible to avoid but others were making cuts to their forces to help remain viable. When this is the case,Read More →

Confidence is important for many areas of your life. It will help you socialise more and be more attractive to men. You will also increase your chances of getting a new job or promotion. While you can pretend to be more confident when you need to, here are tips toRead More →