Arthritis is something that many women eventually suffer from. However, there are facts about it that too many don’t know or understand. Whether you have it or think you are developing it, here are some of the important things that you need to know about arthritis. Watch Out for theRead More →

Are you lazy? You may not think so at first but think about your life really. This isn’t about whether you’d rather sit and watch TV than go for a run—most people prefer the form—it’s about your actions. Do you do what you prefer? If you do it often, youRead More →

Depression affects more people than they’re willing to let on. Some don’t even get a diagnosis because it is still a taboo subject. If you do see a doctor, you may find pills and other medication thrown at you instead of actually helping you with the mental illness. You canRead More →

Dreaming is a natural part of the sleep cycle. It is the chance for the subconscious to come through and remind the conscious that there is something to do. It is also a time for the brain to just shut down and let your imagination come to life. There areRead More →

As you get older, your body starts to deteriorate. It’s a natural part of aging that you may or may not be happy with. One part of the body that you can really work on avoiding deteriorating is your brain! With age, the memory can start to fade and problemsRead More →