The word diet is enough to strike fear into the hearts of millions of people worldwide who are on a mission to lose weight. The thought of nothing but rabbit food and water for weeks on end is enough to make any sane individual head for the nearest chocolate bar!Read More →

During the holiday season, the most popular dish to create is a turkey that is roasted in the oven. The turkey is stuffed with stuffing, and then some women use butter to baste the outside to give it a nice golden brown color. However, the times have changed and nowRead More →

As your toddler is growing, you start giving them different foods and they also start recognizing and asking for various things to eat, when they see others eating them. You might be wondering what are some of the foods you should or should not allow your toddler to eat. HereRead More →

Cellulite is a problem for all women. It doesn’t matter how thin or obese you are, it’s likely that you have cellulite somewhere on your body! Cellulite is that annoying thing that makes the skin look like orange peel. It causes dimples to appear, and not the cute dimples inRead More →

It isn’t uncommon to hear about women who are dealing with ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids, especially during their birthing years. These cysts are pockets filled with fluid in the ovaries, while fibroids are non-cancerous fibrous growths in the uterus. No one knows what actually causes these cysts and fibroidsRead More →

Obesity has become the most common cause in the present market and therefore it is the only reason that can contribute in different health issues. Due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle, obesity has become the prevalent health problems. But, obesity is not only caused because of eating habits there areRead More →