Your worst nightmare has come true. Your boyfriend has proposed, and for whatever reason you don’t want to say yes. It’s important to turn him down kindly, and hopefully not embarrass him. This is a major step for him, and he could have decided to make it a big romanticRead More →

You’ve just been offered your dream job. At least, you think it’s your dream job. It could end up being the biggest mistake of your life. There are a few considerations that you need to make to determine whether you should accept it or not. Here are some signs thatRead More →

Your boss is asking you to switch your day off at the last minute or a family member needs you to jump on a plane thousands of miles away…things happen and you may be the one that people turn to. They do it because you don’t say no. But thisRead More →

The holidays are upon us! It is time for the stress fest to begin for millions of mom’s around the world. Trying to be everything to everyone is exhausting. The time to implement some boundaries is now before the season gets into full gear. Using the right amount of tactRead More →

Stress is the number one problem for adults around the world. It causes mental health issues like depression and anxiety and is linked to medical problems like high blood pressure and heart attacks. Stress puts the body under a lot of tension and increases the amount of adrenaline passing throughRead More →

Do you think you’re great in the office? Wondering why you keep getting passed over for a promotion or why your boss doesn’t give you more responsibility? It could be because you’re a bad worker. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get the work done but that you show signsRead More →