It’s getting to the point where schools are finishing for Christmas. If your child hasn’t gotten their teachers a gift yet, you may be on that last minute panic. Even if it isn’t Christmas, there are other gifts that you need to consider, including leaving presents and thank you gifts.Read More →

Puberty is fraught with a number of changes for your daughter, but none is so life-changing than her first period. While you might be hesitant to discuss menstruation with your daughter, the more she knows about it, the less traumatic it will be for her. Helping her through this eventRead More →

Protecting children is the main job for any mum. You want to protect your son or daughter from anything that could happen but that isn’t always possible. Once children get to school, they are open to all sorts of problems, especially bullying. It can leave children depressed and there haveRead More →

As your daughter approaches middle school, there can be a lot of changes that affect you both. She is maturing, her body is changing, and starting middle school will present a whole new set of challenges. However, there are several things that you can do to help her ease intoRead More →

Back when you were in high school, you dreamt of going to college. However, life had other plans for you, and you ended up married with a family. Now you are a little older, but your dreams of college are still with you. Though you may be a little olderRead More →