Your thighs and bum are likely the two areas of your body that you struggle with. You hear about all these exercises that tone other parts of your body, but hardly ever for this part. Instead of investing in a private trainer or going to the sweaty gym, it isRead More →

There are many myths surrounding fitness during pregnancy. You can hear that you shouldn’t continue running, or that yoga is the only type you should consider. Well, it is time to bust those myths. Here are six pregnancy fitness myths and the truth behind them. You Shouldn’t Start Right NowRead More →

No matter how long you’ve been exercising for, it gets to a point where you just don’t feel like it anymore. You know about the benefits and you know how well it’s worked so far, but you just want a few days off. The truth is you are probably gettingRead More →

When you think of activity, you probably jump straight to the idea of long runs and tiring nights at the gym. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, you can burn an extra 300 calories a day without actually breaking a sweat. How? With these great tips. GetRead More →

Are you still looking for ways that you can enjoy the summer sun? You don’t want to waste the day away by sunbathing or lazing by a pool but you don’t want to find yourself cooped up in the house the whole time. Here are some ideas for things toRead More →

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. While you need to tone it down and look after your baby, there are some activities that are safe. However, please check with your health practitioner before you start as some women are advised to avoid exercise due toRead More →