After so many years, the teeth can get dull, dingy, and even yellow. There are also certain habits that a woman has like, drinking coffee and tea, that can stain the teeth. To save herself a lot of money, a woman can use certain foods that can actually make theRead More →

Babies, toddlers and children at a young age often suffer from many problems, whether colds, injuries, constipation, eczema, all of which could require additional care and might cause you to be concerned. However, for the most part a mother becomes fairly used to some of these problems that become veryRead More →

Yeast infections are incredibly common in women and most women will experience at least one yeast infection during their lifetime. Therefore, it is extremely important for women to be aware of the causes of yeast infections and the available treatment options. Yeast infections can be painful and impact your dailyRead More →

Any woman who has experienced PMS knows that it can take its toll on just about every aspect of daily life. Mood swings, food cravings, tender breasts and cramping can affect how a woman feels and behaves as she goes about her day. But did you know that there areRead More →

Yeast infections are manifested by the increase of the level of yeast in the vagina most commonly caused by a fungus called candida albicans. This condition can affect all women but is more common among women who have a weaker immune system; it can also affect men. Yeast infections areRead More →

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a condition that many women suffer from; it is manifested in mood swings and emotional instability, irrational thoughts, altered sleep patterns, fatigue and headaches among other symptoms. Those changes are a response to the changes in the hormonal balance that women undergo in the processRead More →