Finding balance is a constant process that takes time and commitment. Finding enough time in every day for work, family and yourself can be difficult and mostly impossible. In order to gain balance in your life you must be willing to prioritize different aspects and understand the most important partsRead More →

Even though in the past some occupations were reserved for only men and women didn’t have adequate opportunities in some professions, this inequality is rarely in existence today. Women are just as likely to hold jobs in highly skilled professions and women even graduate from college at higher rates thanRead More →

Many of us have no choice but to work, it’s a way of paying our bills and a way to fight boredom, however, it does have its drawbacks. With work comes stress and no matter how hard you try to fight it chances are you’ll bring some of that stressRead More →

How do you know which project you should be working on first? How do you know which client is more important at that moment in time? Having priorities is important. It helps you organise your workload and determine what you can do and when. However, learning how to prioritise canRead More →

Being a great manager or director is important. You will create a team of employees who want to work harder but can come to you when there are problems. Some people simply aren’t cut out for this job but others will excel in more ways than one. Here are someRead More →