You and your spouse have thought long and hard about this, and have decided it is time to bring your marriage to an end. It’s difficult enough without children, but if you have kids you need to help them understand. All sorts of things will run through their heads, andRead More →

You will come across a hateful person now and then. This isn’t anything that you will have done. It’s a case of someone else being jealous, petty or just not happy with something that you have managed or accomplished in your life. It’s important to deal with these people professionallyRead More →

If you know an introvert, you may be used to his or her actions throughout the day. However, there are certain aspects of their lives that they don’t let you into. They’re not sure how to get their point across, and their personality style doesn’t really allow them to speakRead More →

Your worst nightmare has come true. Your boyfriend has proposed, and for whatever reason you don’t want to say yes. It’s important to turn him down kindly, and hopefully not embarrass him. This is a major step for him, and he could have decided to make it a big romanticRead More →

You’ve just broken up with your boyfriend, or he’s broken up with you. It is now time to get over him. The problem is there are certain things women like to do that prevents them from getting to the other side of the breakup river. Wondering if you’re doing themRead More →

There’s a guy that you’ve liked for a long time. The problem is he’s never noticed you. You’re stuck, but you want to catch his attention before he finds someone else. Here are some tips to get him to notice and want you. Show Off Your Style With Confidence BeforeRead More →

When you are passionate about something, it is common to feel a mixture of emotions. Anger is one of those if something didn’t work out as you expected. While you want to get your point across, your angry letter just doesn’t make sense. There is so much emotion that youRead More →