Fruit is great for weight loss, but some are high in natural sugars. While you still need to eat in moderation, you can fill up on certain items. They are great for weight loss. Here are the top fruits to add to your diet. Grapefruit Despite the higher sugars andRead More →

You’re on a diet or trying to eat healthily. The problem is junk food cravings happen now and then. You want that chocolate, the cake, the biscuits or even that takeaway. While you’re trying not to give into them, it may be worth understanding why you’re struggling with the cravings.Read More →

The body naturally sheds hair over time. You’ll find that every day a few hairs drop out, but they usually grow back. However, as you get older, it is harder for the hair to grow back and it can lead to thinning and even female baldness. Here are some tipsRead More →

The New Year is a great time for celebration and planning for the future. However, for some it is full of tiredness and something that is known as “the New Year blues.” You are unwinding from the holiday season, trying to catch up on sleep, and know that it isRead More →

Speding time at the gym is not enough, as you have to pay attention to your diet as well if you want to lose weight. In fact, the latter is more important than the workout itself. But what do you need to eat in order to say goodbye to theRead More →

Once upon a time people had to eat meals full of fat and carbs to live through the winter. Hard physical work in a low – temperature environment required extra calories. Today, the situation is much simpler: smaller portions and healthier choices are better, but you can easily slip onRead More →

There are a few new year’s resolutions that can actually create a new, better version of you. Don’t have to think about big things, the following small steps together will do the trick! More fruit and vegetables One of the biggest problems regarding our nutrition is that we eat tooRead More →

There are huge problems with most of the new year resolutions: people expect too quick and too tangible results. But most of them have really precious long-term benefits, that are worth considering. Let’s see the most important ones in the long run! Less work-related stress Nowadays we are considered luckyRead More →