There is no wrong or right way to look after your children, as long as they are safe. However, even if they grow up disciplined, happy and healthy, it doesn’t mean you feel the same way. It’s important to look after yourself during those years. It is the best wayRead More →

Weight loss is one of the most common New Year resolutions. However, so many people give up after the end of January. The problem is focusing on that one goal of losing weight and then not having any other resolutions or goals surrounding you. Instead of making that one specificRead More →

Your eyes are extremely important for day-to-day life. If asked to choose between hearing and sight, despite hearing being important most people will choose to lose that. While the eyes deteriorate with age, you can help to slow the process down. Here are some tips to keep your eyes healthyRead More →

Optimal blood pressure is essential as a basis for a healthy cardiovascular system. Regular monitoring an daily exercise are important to lower or prevent high blood pressure, but proper diet plays a main role as well. Here are 5 amazing foods to help you! Spinach Love it or hate it,Read More →

Maintaining a powerful immune system is even more important in winter, since you have a much greater chance to get infections. However, if you are smart in the kitchen there is nothing to worry about: you can have a deep breath among your coughing colleagues and friends! Spinach Popeye’s favoriteRead More →

There is plenty of information out there that can tell you what you should be doing for your skin, hair and nails but not a lot of information about what not to do. There are some things that the media would have you believe is a great way to handleRead More →

Wouldn’t you love to have the perfect smile? While you can’t do much at home about the shape of your mouth, or your teeth, you can do something about the colour of them. With a few tips, you could get that whiter smile, and let it glisten in the photos.Read More →

Here are some possible reasons for your problem! Caffeine No matter how tired you are feeling at 5 in the afternoon, it may pay you to give that latte a miss. It has been found that any caffeine that has been consumed even up to six hours before turning inRead More →

The word diet is enough to strike fear into the hearts of millions of people worldwide who are on a mission to lose weight. The thought of nothing but rabbit food and water for weeks on end is enough to make any sane individual head for the nearest chocolate bar!Read More →