Are you trying to decide between waxing and shaving? Waxing is definitely the way to go. It may take more time and seem more expensive, but it is beneficial in the long run. Here are some of the ways waxing is much better than shaving your hair. Reduce the IngrownRead More →

You see anti-aging adverts all the time. There’s always some new lotion, cream or miracle product—some company wanting you to spend money. They make you believe that their product is the best and a must-have, only for you to find out that it doesn’t really work. There are some beautyRead More →

Saving money has taken on a whole new meaning with this “improving” economy. Having a few tricks in your makeup bag that can do double duty and safe you some cash and still have you red carpet ready. There are a few tricks that the pro’s use that you canRead More →

You’ve probably heard all sorts of things about beauty. The problem with tales is that they can lead to damaging your skin or hair. Here are some of the most common myths and the truth behind them. This will help you make better decisions to protect your skin, hair andRead More →

After removing hair, do you find little red bumps on your leg and hairs that grown underneath the skin? These are known as ingrown hairs. They are unsightly and can become painful and annoying. While you can remove them, wouldn’t it be better to avoid them altogether? Here are someRead More →

Olive oil is a great ingredient to keep at home. Not only does it make a great cooking ingredient, thanks to its great taste and high content of oleic acid, which is a healthy monounsaturated fat that has great benefits to your heart health, but it also has many greatRead More →

Every woman has two legs that she has to shave. However, shaving can be a chore especially if shaving causes razor burn, ingrown hairs, or cuts. Shaving does not have to be difficult because there are ways that a woman can shave her legs perfectly every time. Here is moreRead More →

Let’s all face the facts; shaving is not something that many women consider to be a fun and exciting past time. Not only is it possible that you can nick and cut yourself, but it is also likely that you will at some point experience the unfortunate situations of razorRead More →

There are many different options when it comes to hair removal. Most women opt for the quickest options such as shaving and waxing. However, have you ever considered epilating? Maybe you could try out laser hair removal. Each one has its own pros and cons but you need to findRead More →