Running is just one form of exercise, but is one of the most popular. There are many benefits to opting for this type of exercise if your doctor tells you it’s safe to do so. It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant or not. Here are six of the major benefitsRead More →

High intensity workouts are great for your weight loss, but can be murder on your body. You want a workout that you can enjoy and will be able to do when you ache everywhere from the previous day. You need to look at a few low intensity sessions that willRead More →

Some women used to love exercising. For one reason or another, they stopped. It could have been due to an injury, pregnancy and baby raising or it may have been lack of motivation. Now is your time to get back into fitness. But the question is how do you doRead More →

No matter how long you’ve been exercising for, it gets to a point where you just don’t feel like it anymore. You know about the benefits and you know how well it’s worked so far, but you just want a few days off. The truth is you are probably gettingRead More →

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. While you need to tone it down and look after your baby, there are some activities that are safe. However, please check with your health practitioner before you start as some women are advised to avoid exercise due toRead More →