Congratulations on your new baby! While they’re great and full of joy, there is always the worry about finances. Babies are expensive and if you’re on a tight budget it can be worrisome about finding everything you need. The good news is that you don’t need to buy everything new.Read More →

Gardening is a fun, productive and soothing activity as long as it doesn’t turn into a chore; it is fairly doable to maintain a beautiful backyard garden with perhaps a few vegetable plants, flowers and a nice looking lawn with a few hours a week. Think about the freedom youRead More →

Being fashionable isn’t just about the clothes that you wear. You have to think about your makeup, your hairstyle and the accessories that you use. When it comes to accessories, there’s no need to go out and buy expensive bags or jewellery. There are some great trendy ideas that involveRead More →

Your eye color is just as unique as your personality. The right eye makeup can make all the difference as to whether your makeup will call attention to your eyes or draw attention away from them. There are different recommendations for what kind of makeup and application styles to useRead More →

The majority of women suffer from the baby blues. This lasts for about two weeks and is when many of the hormones are leaving the body. However, around 10% of mums will suffer from postnatal depression. This is a serious problem but nothing to be ashamed of. The best thingRead More →

The UK is full of history and culture. There are now people from all over the world living in various parts of the island, whether in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Even those who live in Britain don’t know everything about their country and here are some fun andRead More →

It isn’t uncommon to hear about women who are dealing with ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids, especially during their birthing years. These cysts are pockets filled with fluid in the ovaries, while fibroids are non-cancerous fibrous growths in the uterus. No one knows what actually causes these cysts and fibroidsRead More →

“Africa – second largest of Earth’s seven continents. Home to four of the five fastest animals in the world, and the longest river, the Nile. Known for its vast environments – the Sahara desert, Mount Kilimanjaro. Known for its rich natural resources, and affluent population. Known for Aids. Known forRead More →