We usually bleach or discolour our hair in our effort to achieve a very bold and often totally unnatural shade, including platinum blonde, bright red, orange, pink, purple, lilac, blue, green and the effect we call ‘rainbow hair’ that combines more than one of such extraordinary shades. Recently, Gwen StefaniRead More →

So many of us complain about or skin not being perfect or we just feel that we are looking tired and need something to make us look refreshed. Treating yourself to a facial is something that most women love to do. For those of us who can’t find the timeRead More →

Wouldn’t you love to have flawless skin? Well, now you can. The simple trick is to shrink your pores. This is relatively easy to do and doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money. In fact, many of the tips are completely natural and safe. Here are some greatRead More →

Arthritis is something that many women eventually suffer from. However, there are facts about it that too many don’t know or understand. Whether you have it or think you are developing it, here are some of the important things that you need to know about arthritis. Watch Out for theRead More →

If you suffered from acne in the past, you likely have the scars to prove it. This is especially common if you picked or squeezed at your pimples. While you can hide them with makeup, you still know that they are there. The good news is that there are thingsRead More →

As a child, I was always told to brush my teeth, eat my vegetables, and that an apple a day would keep the doctor away. My teeth are a polished white, I have a consistent diet of green, leafy veggies every day, but maybe I should have eaten more apples?Read More →

Yeast infections are manifested by the increase of the level of yeast in the vagina most commonly caused by a fungus called candida albicans. This condition can affect all women but is more common among women who have a weaker immune system; it can also affect men. Yeast infections areRead More →