Working from home, or telecommuting, can be a joy. However, there are also several pitfalls that can induce a great amount of stress if they are not handled correctly. From helping your family understand your responsibilities to being self-motivated, there are a number of ways to cut stress at thisRead More →

Being optimistic and trying to find the bright side is a common attribute that many women share. However, this positive outlook can sometimes blind you from the truth, even if it is right in front of your eyes. Most guys are pretty transparent, so if they are into you signalsRead More →

When you think of activity, you probably jump straight to the idea of long runs and tiring nights at the gym. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, you can burn an extra 300 calories a day without actually breaking a sweat. How? With these great tips. GetRead More →

Given the fact that most women now leave the house to work during the week, and they have children to take care, it can become very difficult to keep the house clean. In fact, if your mother used to clean one time a week, you may find that it isRead More →

There is one chore that every woman may not like, but it is a necessary part of life. Cleaning the house can be a source of dread, but if a woman cleans the house in just the right way, it can be something that she can do quickly and easily.Read More →

All women can multitask—at least that’s what most people, especially men, tend to think. The truth is that not all women can multitask but it is definitely a good skill to have. Here are some tips to help you manage more than one thing at once, whether at the officeRead More →

Many of the commercially available cleaning products contain high dosage of chemicals that might be harmful to you and your family, especially if you have babies or toddlers at home or if you have allergies or skin conditions that might be aggravated by it. While natural cleaning products do existRead More →

Does it seem like you spend every day off cleaning the house? When you want to get other things done, you need quick ways of doing the chores. That doesn’t mean hiding everything in a cupboard! Here are some quick tips to clean your whole house. Have a Pattern forRead More →

The first few months of being a new mum is daunting. There is a lot to learn in a short space of time. You may feel like you just aren’t cut out for it as you continually make mistakes, whether it is forgetting a change of clothes, food for yourselfRead More →