Some women used to love exercising. For one reason or another, they stopped. It could have been due to an injury, pregnancy and baby raising or it may have been lack of motivation. Now is your time to get back into fitness. But the question is how do you doRead More →

When you started the year, you may have had a goal to save $1,000 during the year. At the start it seemed like such a doable goal, but now you’re not too sure. However, it is possible and you can do it every year. Eventually you will find this soRead More →

There are money mistakes that everyone makes. Some of those are minor mistakes that you can fix quickly. However, there are certain mistakes that can affect the rest of your life. You could end up destroying your chances of financial freedom and miss out on opportunities that would lead toRead More →

Whether you suffer from dry hair or oily hair, making it look luxurious and silky is often near impossible. It happens now and then or may just happen after a trip to the hairdressers. The problem is you have no idea how to replicate it. Here are six tips toRead More →

You’re getting closer and closer to your 30s. There is this moment of dread, knowing that you’re leaving the fun decade and moving into the one where people expect you to buy houses and raise a family. However, it’s time to stop dreading time period of your life. There areRead More →

You have some time on your hands, and now you’re bored. The good news is that you don’t have to be. Whether you just have five minutes to kill or a few hours with no plans, you can use up the time productively and in a fun way. Here areRead More →