Greasy hair is a pain. It always looks greasy; sometimes even just after you’ve washed it! The trick is to working with the excess oils in your hair. Here are some tips to help make your greasy hair shine with natural beauty. Stop Washing Your Hair Every Day People withRead More →

Just because you’ve reached your 50s doesn’t mean the world of fashion stops. While you may not be able to wear the clothes you did in your hay-day, you can still look great. Here are some tips for dressing for your age but still looking fashionable. Opt for a MaxiRead More →

Every bride and bridesmaid should have exquisitely styled tresses which compliment and accentuated the style and magic of the dress they are wearing. Once you’ve decided on the wedding dress style, ensure that your hairdo will does your dress justice, without competing or taking away from the look you’re aimingRead More →

Some women want long hair, but no matter what they do, their hair just never seems to grow. A woman who wants her hair to grow long just has to do a few things to really stimulate those locks to grow long. Here are 7 tricks to making hair growRead More →

Almost every feature or attribute of yourself makes a statement and gives slight insight to who you are. Not all assumptions based on appearance are accurate, but hairstyles do say something about you. Some hairstyles are more likely to be worn by certain types of women. Therefore, your hairstyle doesRead More →

Is your Champagne Taste getting strangled to death by an unyielding Beer Budget? Is all our modern “navel gazing” really worth the “paper” we’re spending on pretty potions when we could get the same results from cheap kitchen products? Don’t pull your nose up and ignore your “prude-ometer”; because whenRead More →