Did you hear the news? Ponytails in all versions and effects are a major trend this season. Fashionistas, bloggers and models are crazy about them! They are all artfully made to exude a great degree of sophistication and a modern vibe. Some of the looks are graphic and minimalist whileRead More →

The New Year is the time for many to start thinking about making changes. New Year resolutions can include losing weight, spending more time with family, or earning more money. For some of those resolutions to work, part-time jobs are required. Whether you’re currently in full-time work or you’re outRead More →

Think your boss tells you everything? Maybe you think you’re ready for that promotion coming up. While he may tell you you’re a great member of the team, there are things that he’s leaving out of your conversations. There are decisions he makes based on various activities, inside and outsideRead More →

Being a woman in the workplace can be very challenging from time to time. It can be even more stressful if you are working with a lot of men. But, what if you are the boss? How challenging can this be if you are a woman and you are tryingRead More →

Being a boss over anyone can be difficult for some people. The woman that is supervising other people might be uncomfortable in a position of power, and the people working for her might also be a little uncertain having a woman for a boss. However, there are ways to beRead More →